Other Therapists and Practices
Roughly 80% of the theraputic process is about the relationship you form with your therapist and sometimes you might not feel you click with them. If that is the case, you should always feel empowered to find that right fit. Here are a few other options if you think that someone else might be a better fit for you.
Disclaimer: While we have good relationships with the individuals listed below, we cannot guarantee that they will be a great fit for you or that you will have a positive experience. Always remember it is okay to continue searching if things don't feel right. Feel free to visit our blog post to read more about finding the right therapist.
Carve Your Own Path (CYOP)
Carve Your Own Path is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization located in Copley, OH, that offers an evidence-based, trauma-informed, inclusive, community approach to mental health and well-being through holistic wellness services, education, and consultation services. We have personally met the Founder/President, Amanda Kostura, and they are an absolute powerhouse! Check them out! https://www.cyopinc.org/
Crooked River Counseling
We recently got to know Allyssa Powers, LPCC-S and what can we say? They are awesome! Our practices are similar in that we share similar values and specialties. Check them out! https://crookedrivercounselingservices.com/
Relate & Embrace Therapy Center
We have a wonderful history with the owner, Megan Diggins, LPCC-S, as we all went to school together. She is a talented couples therapist, among many other things, so check her out! https://www.megandavistherapy.com/
Other Medical Professionals
At Calibrations Counseling & Consultation, we believe in a holistic approach to health and wellness. Physical health and mental health are closely connected and the wellness services that these organizations provide may be a wonderful supplement to the mental health services that we provide!
Disclaimer: While we have a good relationship with the individuals listed below, we cannot guarantee that they will be a great fit for you or that you will have a good experience. Please consult your physician before seeking alternative therapies. Full disclosure, these individuals advertise our services.
Conscious Wellness
Dr. Julie provides wellness services in Fairlawn, OH. Services provided at Conscious Wellness include: acupuncture, chiropractic, cupping, massage, and reiki. Dr. Julie is incredibly knowledgable and compassionate! Check them out! https://wellnessohio.net/
Great Lakes Health & Wellness
Great Lakes Health & Wellness provides services in Cleveland, Westlake, and Strongsville. Services provided include: chiropractic, functional medicine, and massage. Dr. Jo Consiglio provides chiropractic services at the Strongsville location and Dr. Madison Vidovich provides functional medicine and chiropractic services at the Cleveland and Westlake Locations. Both of these individuals are people that we highly recommend! Check them out! https://www.greatlakeshealthohio.com/
Game/Hobby Stores
We believe that play is not something that needs to stop in childhood. It is so important that we continue to find ways to play as adults! The places below provide many opportunities for you to play and express your inner child!
Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee that these companies will be a great fit for you or that you will have a positive experience. Full disclosure, these companies advertise our services.
The Guardtower East
The Guardtower East is a game store located in Columbus, OH. They carry an extensive selection of games, miniatures, and supplies. They have space for open gaming, a Paint Bar, a Wall-o-Dice, counter-height tables for miniature gaming, and a Terrain Library. Check them out! https://theguardtower.com/
Kitsu Games
Kitsu Games is a game store located in Mason, OH. They have a large selection of board games and table top gaming supplies! They also have demo nights to allow new and experienced players alike to try new games! Check them out! https://www.facebook.com/KitsuGamesOH/
Master Minds
Masterminds is located in Ashland, OH. They have a large game library, 2 escape rooms, The Haunt, and multiple other escape-type games. Not to mention, some of the best milkshakes around! Check them out! https://ashlandmasterminds.com/
Sweets and Geeks
Sweets and Geeks is a pop-culture haven located in Medina, OH. They specialize in retro and modern memorabilia and candy. They have an incredibly large selection of candy, as well as memorabilia, board games, table top role playing game supplies, and trading card games. Check them out! https://www.sweetsandgeeks.com/
TimberBeast Axe Throwing
TimberBeat Axe Throwing is an axe throwing venue with locations in Medina and Streetsboro, OH. At both locations, you can throw axes, knives, throwing stars, and other implements! They also offer a selection of food and drinks. Check them out! https://www.timberbeastaxethrowing.com/